Year 1


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Curriculum Map


  • Begin to understand that all food comes from plants or animals. Begin to develop children’s peeling and chopping skills.

Example: Fruit and Vegetables
What is a fruit or a vegetable?
Where do fruit and vegetables grow?

  •      Categorise a selection of fruits and vegetables.


  • To know what is a smoothie and why they are used in everyday life.
  • To research what ingredients are needed to make a smoothie.
  • Taste a selection of potential fruit and vegetables smoothie ingredients, describing appearance, smell and taste, and deciding which to include in a smoothie.
  • Design packaging for a smoothie.


  • Make and test smoothie.
  • Children blend chosen fruits and vegetables to make their smoothie.


  • Evaluate results.


  • How do vehicles move?
  • To know a product that has wheels and axles.
  • Explore and evaluate a range of wheeled products.


  • Identify what is an axle and a wheel.
  • To know which mechanisms uses a wheel and axel to move.


  • To know objects on wheels can be moved by pulling or pushing
  • To know how a wheel fits on to an axle



  • Draw and label a diagram showing the wheel, axel and holder.
  • Fix a broken wheel.


  • Design their own wheeled vehicle for a purpose.


  • Evaluate their finished vehicle.
  • How well does your mechanism work? Does it move smoothly? Would your end user like your product and why? How can you improve your mechanism?


  • To know and investigate some strong/stiff structures (i.e. playground structures, climbing frame, tower, bridges.)
  • To know the name of simple 2D shapes


  • To know how to join some simple materials
  • To know how to make freestanding structures stronger, stiffer and more stable


  • To know a simple order of making a structure
  • Design and plan your own structure.


  • Begin to build structures, joining components together to create a finished product.
  • To know some simple finishing techniques to complete their structure

Knowledge Organisers

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